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10 Rookie Event Mistakes


It's always when it gets to the big event day when the silly mistakes start occurring. There's nothing like inviting a speaker to an event and not being able to pronounce their name or worse, attempting it and getting it COMPLETELY wrong. Here are just 10 other rookie mistakes that can occur when event planning (in no particular order):

1. Not having a contingency plan

It probably goes without saying but every Event Manager needs to have a contingency plan. Have a back up idea incase the first one doesn't work out, otherwise you're going to have a very poor event with a lot of very unhappy guests which isn't going to reflect well on yourself or any future events that you may plan.


2. Not having enough event staff/stewards etc

If planning event thats going to be quite large scale then you are going to need enough staff/stewards or volunteers to help. This could be going through an agency to get temp staff or maybe even asking some family members and friends to help out. The more the merrier. If you don't have enough staff then thats when things can start getting out of hand and then that's your event out of control. Prevention is always better than cure.


3. No signage/posters leading towards the event

Depening on where your even is located it may be a good idea of having some signs and some posters leading up to the entrance to avoid any confusions and quick entry. You should always anticipate the issue that nobody has been to this venue before so clear and direct signs will be very helpful. This can be helpful if you are hosting an event that has many rooms that may possibly have other events going on at the same time. Having on posters and leaflets before the event aswell will be a good idea so that guests can plan their route beforehand.


4. Not checking the weather

This is especially important if you are planning on having an event based outside (e.g. festivals). You would think that this is an obvious thing to do but you would be suprised how easily this couls be forgotten. Take Glastonbury for example, its in late spring time, and especially with eanglish weather you are always likely to expect rain and when having a festival in a field its likely that you will be wiped out! Weather should be considered even if the event is indoors cause no girl wants to go outside after spending hours on their hair to walk inside looking like a drowned rat...So if you're expecting rain, be prepared. Have canapy, marquees prepared or already set up and even if it doesn't rain, if the weather is cold it can help to contain more heat.


5. Checking the toilets

Checking your toilets from time to time is always a good idea as having a messy unclean toilet can reflect badly on yourself aswell as the venue. Have your stuff double check every so often, whether it be every half and hour or an hour and make sure that toilet roll is stocked up and nothing is broken or damaged. Floors are kept clean of tissue and any broken glass etc. We've all been there where we go into a toilet at a club only to realise there's no tissue paper in there. It can be very fustrating, so avoid the issue and make sure that you are stocked up and ready to go before the event starts. So that means - do an iventory!


6. Not respecting the capacity limit of the venue/space

Venue capacity limits are not guidelines, and the sooner people realise that, the better. Event organisers need to make sure they are well aware of how many people you can fit into a space otherwise the police can and will shut you down. Too many times I have witnessed and read about club events getting locked off by the police because of overcrowding.


7. Bringing an emergency "tool kit"

Now by this I don't mean turning up to your event with a toolbix filled with nails, screws and hammers. This kit should be a box filled with emergency supplies such emergency numbers, pen, paper, tape, chargers, flashlights, lightbulbs etc. Things that will be useful throughout the night that you know you will have available if necessary. Don't worry, you'll thank me later :)


8. Not designating staff to their area

What is the point of having staff if you haven't given them a job to do? Calculate how many staff you are going to have and based on the amount of attendees and how big the venue is delegate your staff in certain areas to take on certain roles. At least this way you know each part of the venue is covered and everybody has something to do instead of just hanging around having a quick chat. Don't get me wrong, the task should be useful and your staff should be able to enjoy themselves, but there will always be a time and place for that. Don't try leaving it to the last minute to sort this out otherwise you will be running around fussing and not concentrating on other tasks at hand.


9. Not having enough people/space to check everyone in

Its long before lines to queue to the event build up quickly and try and all get in at once. I've experienced attending enough events where the queues are ridiculously long and then peope become irritated and this then causes tensions for arguments and fights to break out. Needing one check in member per every 100-150 guests will help to shifts queues quicker, helping everyone to relax and enjoy their time spent inside the venue than outside queuing, especially if its cold!


10. Parking Plan

Always anticipate how your guests will be arriving to the event. Think 10 if not more steps ahead. If planning a high end event, considering options of having a valet park the cars as they know how to use parking space wisely. Or get guests to park in a near by car park at a certain time and arrange transport as a coach or mini bus to take everyone from the car park to the event. Helping to save the environment aswell by car sharing ;)


Obviously there are a lot more mistakes that can occur when planning an event but these are usually the top 10 common ones that anyone planning an event can relate to or learn from. The key to planning a great event is to make sure that you have a back up plan to anything and everything that can go wrong, that way you know that you are prepare and have covered your back.



*pictures taken from google*


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